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Academy Building
Broerstraat 5

€ 4,- / € 2,- SG-card / free for students

How to Handle a Group Conflict?

Hillie Aaldering

How do people effectively handle conflicts in groups? Hillie Aaldering discusses potential dilemmas that one encounters when cooperating in groups.

The potential of cooperation provides many potential benefits for individuals; they can learn from each other, they can combine efforts and increase efficiency, and it fulfills the human need to belong. At the same time, collaborations often give rise to discussions and conflicts, which not only hinder cooperation but can also have adverse consequences for performance or even the continuation of the group or organization. Hillie Aaldering will discuss dilemmas of cooperation that exist on many levels in society (from student groups to environmental pollution), and suggest ways to effectively manage such dilemmas. You are encouraged to reflect on your own cooperation behavior and conflict handling style with some practical exercises.

Hillie Aaldering is Assistant Professor at the department of Work and Organizational Psychology at the University of Amsterdam. Her research mainly centers on conflicts within and between groups, and on promoting cooperation between conflicting parties. She is especially interested in promoting cooperation in between-group dilemmas and in negotiation as a means to solve conflicts.

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