Overslaan en naar de inhoud gaan
17:00 – 18:15

Rabozaal, Forum Groningen
Nieuwe Markt 1

€4,- / €2,- with SG-card / free for students

Meanwhile, on the North Pole...

Sean Desjardins, Christoph Humrich and others

The world's climate is changing all over the globe. One of the most visible consequences is the melting sea ice on the North Pole, causing the sea level to rise around the world. But what are the local changes that the melting sea ice brings about on the North Pole? How does climate change affect the Arctic ecosystems? What are the consequences for the local and indigenous population? The melting ice also creates a geopolitical shift by opening up new shipping lanes and possibly new oil wells. What are the economic outcomes for the area? And who does the North Pole actually belong to? 

A conversation with Sean Desjardins, Postdoctoral Researcher Anthropology at the UG, on long-term human-environment relationships; indigenous and settler history and archaeology across the circumpolar Arctic; and Christoph Humrich, Assistant Professor International Relations and Political Science at the UG, on governance, geopolitics and security in the Arctic; and Annette Scheepstra, Social Scientist, Arctic Centre coordinator of external collaboration and expedition guide in Polar areas; moderated by Thandeka Kramer-Wolf.

In Kenniscafé we talk about current themes with Groningen scientists and researchers. Kenniscafé is organised in collaboration with Science LinX en Forum Groningen and is supported by het Akkoord van Groningen.

From September 25, a corona entry pass is mandatory when visiting the Rabo Studio of Forum Groningen. You must also show your corona entry pass at the entrance of the room for this activity. In doing so, the Forum follows the guidelines of the central government.

Illustration: Yvette Compaijen


Kenniscafé: De Noordpool from Forum Groningen on Vimeo.

Ook in deze serie

Jetse Goris in gesprek met Marloes Emous, Anton Scheurink en Andrea Werkman
Meer dan de helft van de volwassenen in Nederland is te zwaar. Hoewel we allerlei campagnes lanceren om gezond gedrag te stimuleren, zijn ze vaak niet effectief genoeg. Wat kunnen doen zodat zoveel mogelijk mensen de kans krijgen om lichter door het leven te gaan?

Zie ook

Wat kunnen we doen om klimaatverandering tegen te gaan? Kunnen we van andere landen leren? Moeten we het zelf doen en stoppen met vleesconsumptie en vliegen?

Joshua Goldstein
How Some Countries Have Solved Climate Change

As climate change nears potentially disastrous tipping points, how can the world rapidly decarbonize the economy across the board, and what role could scalable, cheap, carbon-fr