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In series

Academy Building
Broerstraat 5

€4,-/€2,- for SGG-card holders/free for students

The Science and Methods of Memory Champions

Boris Nikolai Konrad

Can we improve our memory and how does that work?
Boris Nikolai Konrad does not only research superior memory, he has one himself. The neuroscientist investigates the neuronal basis of memory training at the Donders Institute in Nijmegen and is a multiple times memory World Record holder, winner of the TV show ‘The Brain’ in Germany and also known from ‘Wedden Dat Ik Het kan’ (SBS 6). He will give a demonstration of his memory, share the techniques that make such performances possible and explain the neuroscience of superior memory. 

In his research Boris Konrad followed the training progress of many participants and also studied memory athletes, who can memorize strings of hundreds of digits in minutes, hundreds of names or long lists of words. Yet they claim to have a totally normal memory trained to these levels using ancient memory techniques such as the memory palace. Boris Nikolai Konrad will explain how and why these methods work, how to use them for yourself and what they teach us about how memory works in general.

Boris Nikolai Konrad is a neuroscientist at Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour in Nijmegen. He is also a World Memory Team Champion, 4x Guinness World Record holder for memory and works internationally as keynote speaker, memory trainer and author.

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