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Watchlist: The Changing Face of News Media

Welke rol speelt journalistiek bij het opbouwen van een democratie? Op dinsdag 8 april neemt Scott Eldridge, samen met een panel van experts, deze vraag onder de loep en analyseert hij de huidige stand van zaken in het programma Journalism in a Fractured World. We doken in ons archief met de vraag: hoe zijn journalistiek en democratie de afgelopen jaren veranderd? Met de onderstaande playlist kom je goed voorbereid naar de lezing!

What role does journalism play in building a democracy? On Tuesday 8 April, Scott Eldridge, together with a panel of experts, will explore this question and break down the current state of the profession in Journalism in a Fractured World. We dug into our archives with the question: how have journalism and democracy changed in recent years? With the playlist below you will be well prepared for the lecture!

#1 Retorica en verharding van het debat - Eugène Sutorius
Retorica als de kunst van het overtuigen gaat over de omgang met elkaar, met de waarheid en met onze standpunten. Dus ook over perceptie, identificatie en empathie. Het lijkt er op dat het politieke debat in Nederland (en niet alleen daar) verhardt. Is het woord een handeling geworden, het gesprek een gevecht, en is de manier waarop je iets zegt belangrijker dan wat je zegt? Wat doet de retorica met onze oriëntatie op de werkelijkheid en onze deugden? Heeft de retorica een eigen ethiek nodig, en zo ja is dat wel mogelijk? (1 februari 2017)
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#2 The Web was Done by Amateurs - Marco Aiello
Is the Internet really that well done as some of us might think? In 2012, the computer science pioneer Alan Kay released an interview in which he stated: ‘‘the Internet was done so well that most people think of it as a natural resource like the Pacific Ocean, rather than something that was man-made. (…) The Web, in comparison, is a joke. The Web was done by amateurs.’’ By looking at the history and present state of the Web, computer scientist Marco Aiello will give a reflection on one of the largest collective systems ever engineered. (20 March 2018)
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#3 How Internet is Killing Democracy - Jamie Bartlett
Tech has radically changed the way we live our lives. But have we unwittingly handed too much away to shadowy powers behind a wall of code, all manipulated by a handful of Silicon Valley utopians, ad men, and venture capitalists? Jamie Bartlett is tech journalist and Director of the Centre for the Analysis of Social Media at the think-tank Demos. In 2018, he published the book People vs. Tech: How the Internet is Killing Democracy .(12 December 2018)
Watch the recording

#4 Finding Facts in the Post-Truth World - Christiaan Triebert (English/Dutch)
What can we still believe? In the confusing and uncertain era of fake news and alternative facts, it’s increasingly challenging to unveil the truth. Christiaan Triebert about a new type of journalism on 3 September 2019. Unfortunately we don’t have a recording of this lecture. But a great part of his story is told in the documentary Bellingcat - Truth in a Post-Truth World on NPO. 
Watch documentary

#5 Mindwise Debate: My Truth is Your Truth
Leah Henderson, Mohammad Gharesifard, Wally van der Laan, Carmen van Bruggen, Thomas Wilschut and Ansgard Heinrich

In a world of knowledge bubbles and alternative facts, the nature of truth has become the subject of intense debate. How do we balance respect for different perspectives with the need for agreement that we actually all live in the same world? When does relativism support a diversity of worldviews, and when does it encourage the proliferation of harmful misinformation and divisive ideologies? How do we discern valid perspectives from manipulative falsehoods? In this debate, this difficult territory is being navigated. (4 December 2023).
Watch the recording


See also

Tommy Wieringa, Özlem Yeter, Chris Julien, Regine Dugardyn, Roy Dings e.v.a.
Kaartverkoop start 22 januari om 10.00 uur!

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