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Hanze Lecture

Willem-Alexander Sportcentrum
Zernikeplein 17

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Riding the Waves of Culture

Understanding Cultural Diversity
Shuiqin Liu

Many managers understand that cultural differences affect the process of doing business, but many underestimate by just how much. It’s time to realize the business potential of value differences by integrating them to a common purpose.

In a globalizing world, cultural competence and the ability to effectively manage complexity is no longer something reserved for expatriates and international managers. Everyone, everywhere is confronted with cultural differences on a daily basis. Despite the increasing diversity however, very few of us actually manage to understand culture difference structurally. How can we leverage the multitude of new values around us effectively?  And how can we recognize and respect culture diversity in the era of globalization?

Shuiqin Liu is sociologist and cultural expert (specialized in Chinese culture). Prior to relocating to the Netherlands in 2009, Shuiqin lived and studied in China. Her own cross-cultural experiences have spurred her enthusiasm for helping individuals and companies effectively leverage cultural differences. Shuiqin has been working as a consultant for Trompenaars Hampden-Turner since 2013 where she focuses her efforts on national and corporate culture research and increasing cross cultural understanding between Dutch and Chinese companies.

See also

Prof.dr. Ad Vingerhoets

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