About Studium Generale Groningen
Studium Generale Groningen sharpens your mind and expands your horizon with innovative and multidisciplinary activities in the field of science, culture and society. Our program contains lectures, films, debates and more...
Visiting address:
Oude Kijk in 't Jatstraat 9
Postal address:
P.O. box 1260, 9701 BG Groningen
Phone number: 0031 (0)50 363 5460
Email address: studium@rug.nl
Opening hours:
Monday and Tuesday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
The Studium Generale Groningen staff
Nina Dieters
(050) 363 5463
Head of programme
Annelies Noordhof-Hoorn
06 21331137
Programme curator
Silvia Donker
Programme curator
Karin Hazelhoff
(050) 363 5462
Organisation and publicity
Marieke Pras
+31 631 921 109
Organisation and publicity
Janny Tetelepta
Management/Office Assistant
Questions and suggestions
Mail us: studium@rug.nl
Advisory Board
The office of Studium Generale is together with the Advisory Board responsible for the programming of Studium Generale Groningen. The Advisory Board currently consists of:
Prof. Dr. L.W. Nauta - Chairman - University of Groningen
J.L.J. Selker - Vice-Chairman - Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen
Prof. Dr. E.A. Bergshoeff - University of Groningen
Dr. M. Michielse - Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen
Prof. Dr. J.I. Stoker - University of Groningen
Prof. Dr. M.J. van Tol - University of Groningen
Tickets can be purchased in our webshop.
Please print your e-ticket (or show it on your mobile phone) and keep it at hand together with (if applicable) your studentcard or SG-discountcard for scanning at the door. Make sure the barcode is visible. Without a visible and scannable barcode the e-ticket is invalid. Each e-ticket has a unique barcode that can only be used once.
Discount card
The SGG discount card entitles you to a discount on all tickets (for two persons). The price of the card is € 20,-. Read more about how to order your discount card (scroll down for English version).
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Are the lectures accessible to everyone?
Studium Generale is accessible to everyone. Our varied program, including lectures, films and debates, is aimed at a wide audience of students, teachers and other interested people from city and region.
2. Do I need to purchase a ticket before an event?
For most lectures we also sell tickets at the door. For students, most tickets are free. However, it may happen that a lecture is sold out at the last minute. Therefore, it is advisable to pre-order a card, because full = full.
3. I am a PhD student, can I get a free ticket?
Yes, even for PhD students, most cards are free, or you'll get a discount. Make sure you bring your student card!
4. I am a student or a high-school student, but not at the University of Groningen / Hanze University. May I go in for free?
Students from other institutions are also welcome, if you can show your student card.
5. Where are the lectures?
The program information and the ticket show the location of the event.
6. Can I park nearby?
Many of our events are in the Academy Building. Since it is located right in the center, parking is limited. The nearest parking garage is the Ossenmarkt.
For disabled people, there are some places at the Academy Building. More information can be found here.
7. I can't go to a lecture, will it be recorded?
We record most lectures, these can be viewed through our archive or on the page of the lecture. For a recording, we depend on whether the speaker (s) gives permission, therefore it is not always possible to make a recording.
Partner organisations
Internal RUG en HG
External Groningen
External nationwide
Cooperation agreements
Studium Generale Groningen is a partnership between the Hanze University Groningen and the University of Groningen. Students and lecturers at these universities are SGG’s primary target groups but outside visitors are welcome too. This mixture of various target groups makes Studium Generale events an important venue for interaction between academia and society.
Currently, there are no vacancies.