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In serie
20:00 – 21:30

Academy Building
Broerstraat 5

Free entrance with ticket

The International Student: Stadjer or Not?

International students aren’t new to the city. International students have been part of Groningen for more than 400 years. Since its founding in 1614, the University of Groningen has thrived thanks to the influence of international professors and students. These visitors brought financial resources, cultural diversity, and new knowledge that enriched both the academic community and the city of Groningen. In the past few decades, however, something has changed: the number of international students has more than tripled since 2005, and this has raised new concerns, such as related to housing and the quality of education. How did the international students suddenly become a problem? And how has this affected the way they experience the university and the city?

International students are often viewed as those who come to Groningen just for the purpose of studying and are expected to leave when their studies end. What happens in between their coming and going? Are international students mere transients in the city, or do they get to belong in Groningen? Do they get to call it ‘home’?

In this debate, we will explore the relationship between international students and the city of Groningen from multiple perspectives. We will talk about housing issues, university-related dilemmas, linguistic and cultural matters, and, more broadly, about definitions of citizenship and possibilities of belonging.

Jeanette den Toonder 
Anna Bezpala 
Lilia Boyadzhieva  

Stacey Donofrio 
Marian Counihan 
Milena dos Santos Bendixen  

Mindwise Debate
Mindwise Debate is a series of public debates organised by Studium Generale Groningen, Institute for Science Education and Communication and Mindwise Groningen. The debates have the aim of creating a university-wide platform for risky and engaging dialogue on topics ranging from the role of standardization in education systems to the nature of consciousness. The event consists of a formal debate between two teams composed of both students and staff members from UG followed by an open discussion between everyone in the audience and the debaters.

Exhibition | Internationals Not Outsiders
The history of international students in Groningen is vast and just as old as the University of Groningen! But how much do we know about it? Explore the stories of international students from the founding of the RUG until now, from the 15th of May to the 2nd of June in the Harmony, Duisinberg, Theology buildings, as well as the University Library. You can also check them out on the website

©UG, photo: Egbert de Boer

Ook in deze serie

Leah Henderson, Mohammad Gharesifard, Wally van der Laan, Carmen van Bruggen, Thomas Wilschut and Ansgard Heinrich
With livestream

In a world of knowledge bubbles and alternative facts, the nature of truth has become the subject of intense debate.

Zie ook

Discussieleiders: Rick van der Kleij en Rosa Timmer
Verkiezingsdebat gemeenteraad 2010

Woensdag 3 maart 2010 mogen we weer naar de stembus. Ook in Groningen kiezen studenten en stadjers een nieuwe gemeenteraad.

Steven van Heuven, Margo van den Brink en Tjisse van der Heide

Al het leven op aarde bestaat uit water en is daarvan afhankelijk.

Frank van Kolfschooten.Coreferenten: Wolfgang Stroebe en Jelte Wicherts

Onderzoeksjournalist Frank van Kolfschooten ontdekte spectaculaire zaken van wetenschappers die onderzoeksresultaten vervalsen of het werk van collega’s overschrijven.