Monica Gagliano is an evolutionary ecologist.
Peter Godfrey-Smith’s main research interests are in the philosophy of biology and the philosophy of mind.
Het Visboeck van Adriaen Coenen is bijna 450 jaar oud.
From the moment dinosaurs were discovered in the early 19th century, they were used as a symbol of wild, uncontrollable nature; this is an image that is perpetuated until today'
We all know the giant fossils of dinosaurs, but ever wondered where and how these are found?
The dinosaurs ruled the Earth for over 150 million years--evolving from small shadow dwellers into spectacular giants like Brontosaurus and T. rex.
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Een duif kan componisten van elkaar onderscheiden, geelkuifkaketoe Snowball danst op de maat en een spreeuw kan toonladders herkennen.
At the very center of most galaxies, including the Milky Way, lurk massive black holes, with masses from a few tens of thousands to several billions of solar masses.
Ooit gehoord van de falsetto-merel, de detox-duif en heavy metal-planten?