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Culture Shock

Student Night at the Sugar Factory

How do international students experience their time in Groningen? Can you become more Dutch by doing an ‘inburgerings’course? Come and do the test! Culture Shock is a diverse evening in the old Sugar Factory with short lectures, an ‘inburgerings’-battle and improv comedy by Stranger Things Have Happened and a party afterwards. 

Lots of bikes, steep stairs, tiny rooms with big windows and ‘hagelslag’; just to name a few typical Dutch things. The Dutch are weird with their mayonnaise on fries and unidentified deep fried stuff out of a snack-wall.  What has become ‘typical Dutch’ over the last centuries? And is there something wrong about that? When you are confronted with other cultures, you start to see your own culture’s customs in a different way. International students might be shocked about the Dutch customs when they come to Groningen. They also have to deal with their fellow internationals. Stereotypes enough: Spanish are loud, Germans are über organized, Italians are always late, French are stuck-up, and so on. How do these prejudices influence our behavior and communication with each other? 

Hosts and improve comedy by 
Stranger Things Have Happened
Stranger Things Have Happened is a group of English-speaking young comedians from Groningen. They will make up Improv comedy scenes on the spot, inspired by suggestions taken from the audience.

Short lectures by
Thijs Risselada is a history teacher at Christelijk Lyceum Apeldoorn and Zuyderzee College, he will take us on a time travel tour on typical Dutch culture and mentality over the past centuries.
Mark Kierans is lecturer of Communications and Media at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen, he will challenge our intercultural awareness  and communication skills.

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