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How to Survive in an Overmedicated World

Look up the Evidence Yourself
Peter Gøtzsche

What is best thing to do when you’re feeling ill? In the time of internet and information overload, it is awfully difficult to tell who, or what to trust for medical advice. How does one know that a website, a medical specialist or a story in a magazine is trustworthy? In his new book  doctor and researcher Peter Gøtzsche is providing patients some tools to identify reliable information in the labyrinth of different interests, facts, opinions and good intentions from doctors, aid workers and the pharmaceutical industry.

Peter Gøtzsche won the British Medical Association's Annual Book Award with his book Deadly Medicine and Organised Crime. He graduated as a Master of Science in biology and chemistry in 1974 and as a physician 1984 specialized in internal medicine. Since 2010 he is professor of Clinical Research Design and Analysis in 2010 at the University of Copenhagen.

Zie ook

Dr. Rienk Dekker
Over sportblessures met ingrijpende gevolgen

Sport is gezond, luidt het gezegde. Wie regelmatig beweegt, blijft beter in conditie. Maar sporters lopen ook serieuze risico's.

U-meet 2015
Arjen Dijkstra, Peter Barthel, Kees Hummelen, Jorrit Terra en Stefan Knapen
5 minilezingen en een 3D film

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