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Munnekeholm 10
9711 JA Groningen


O-Swap Clothing Repair Café

One way of being more sustainable is by swapping clothes with other people. But what do you do if you have an item that you love too much to swap? At the O-Swap repair café, you can bring along some of your own clothes, bags, or accessories to modify and mend at any of our micro workshop stations. Instead of swapping, this event is all about improving your items. Sew patches and repair your well-worn items, print on your fabrics with lino cuts, paint beautiful flowers and patterns, and add cute details with embroidery. Transform your clothes at the repair café to make them personal! This way they become a story, not just fabric.

O-Swap is one of the committees at Usva. They organize two clothing swap events throughout the year, and sometimes also other events related to fashion or sustainability, like this one. 

Fast fashion has had an enormous impact on both the environment as well as on the people who make clothes. It needs to change. But how? In this two-part series we explore the future of fashion, where it’s been, and where it is going.

In collaboration with Usva & Groniek Historisch Tijdschrift

Ook in deze serie

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