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20:00 – 21:30

Academy Building

€4,- / €2,- met SG-kaart / gratis voor studenten, verkrijgbaar vanaf 14 augustus

Sex and Disgust

Charmaine Borg - livestream

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A passionate night with a lover usually involves a bit more than just making out. Partners enjoy close encounters with each other’s most intimate body parts… and fluids. And yet if your sexual lover forgets to bring their toothbrush with them, after spending the night with them, the thought of them borrowing yours might be disgusting. How do we explain this? Many of the primary sexual stimuli—such as ejaculate, saliva, and sweat—evoke a sense of repulsion in people who are not sexually aroused. So how can we overcome revulsion and enjoy great sex?

Psycho-sexologist Charmaine Borg explores the intricate relationship between sexual arousal and the often overlooked element of disgust. Drawing upon a series of experimental studies, Borg will shed light on the bidirectional relationship between sex and disgust. In addition, she will provide valuable insights and practical advice for individuals seeking to cultivate a deeper appreciation for pleasure in their own lives.

Charmaine Borg is an assistant professor at the University of Groningen. She has earned a master's degree from the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, majoring in CBT and Women’s Mental Health and her PhD from the same department she currently works at. Her research focuses on sexual excitation and sexual inhibitors. She has been accredited as a psycho-sexologist and is currently a Management Committee Member of the European Sexual Medicine Network, and an Executive board member of the European Federation of Sexology and a member among other roles she holds in this field.

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