One way of being more sustainable is by swapping clothes with other people. But what do you do if you have an item that you love too much to swap?
In a million ways our idea of ourselves has been questioned as we journeyed into modernity.
For decades we have known about the dangers of global warming. Nevertheless, greenhouse gas emissions continue to increase.
Per jaar worden in Nederland gemiddeld veertig vrouwen vermoord. In ongeveer de helft van deze gevallen is de dader de (ex-)partner, meestal een man.
Leven in Nederland is leven met water. Het land kenmerkt zich door dijken, gemalen, deltawerken en de wierdedorpen.
At a depth of 3.5 kilometers in the Mediterranean Sea, Dutch scientists are constructing a massive neutrino detector called KM3NeT spanning one cubic kilometer.
What we wear says a lot about our identity: through clothing we can communicate who we are and what we want to express.
Under your skull lies an incredibly complex network of about 86 billion brain cells, also known as neurons.