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W-A Sportcentrum
Zernikeplein 17

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The Netherlands 100% Sustainable by 2030

Marjan Minnesma

In an interactive Energy Lecture, Marjan Minnesma will discuss the possibility of the Netherlands being 100% sustainable by 2030 and show what has to be done to reach this goal.
The Netherlands can transition to a 100% sustainable energy supply within 20 years. This is the conclusion of a report published by Urgenda, a Dutch organization that promotes sustainability and innovation. Urgenda outlines five areas in which things can be done differently: the built environment, mobility, food, industry and energy production. According to the report, transitioning to a 100% sustainable energy supply is cheaper and cleaner than staying with fossil fuels, creates 150,000 new jobs, secures a safe energy supply and propels innovation. What needs to happen to accomplish a 100% sustainable energy supply and which dilemmas such a transition creates? How realistic  is this agenda?
In an interactive Energy Lecture, Marjan Minnesma, director of Urgenda, will discuss the possibility of the Netherlands being 100% sustainable by 2030 and show what has to be done to reach this goal. She will also elaborate on enabling bottom up initiatives, which are emerging more frequently in society and she will discuss her view on the role and influence of climate policy in The Netherlands. “We all need to start acting now – people, companies and the government alike.  We cannot do this on our own, but together we are able to build a new economy with new professions and new jobs, all running on 100% sustainable energy.’ 
Discuss and tackle this agenda with an ambitious woman!

Marjan Minnesma is the director and co-founder of Urgenda which is the first foundation filing and winning a lawsuit against the Dutch State, aiming for better Dutch climate policies. For three years in a row, she has been named the most influential person in the field of sustainability in the Netherlands by newspaper Trouw.  Minnesma has not only studied business, but also philosophy and law, and has worked for both Shell and Greenpeace.  In addition, she has recently returned from walking more than 500 km from Utrecht to Paris before the United Nations Climate Change Conference COP21. 

This lecture is organized by the Energy Academy Europe, in cooperation with Studium Generale Groningen

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