Overslaan en naar de inhoud gaan
20:00 – 21:15

Rabo Studio, Forum Groningen
Nieuwe Markt 1

€4,- / €2,- with SG-card / free for students (available from September 13)

Trick or Treat?

English spoken - with livestream
Brenda Mathijssen, Julian Hanich and others

Halloween is becoming increasingly popular in the Netherlands. You can dress up for a party or theme park, go see a horror movie or carve a jack-o-lantern. Halloween supposedly derived from an ancient Celtic tradition, All Hallows’ Eve. But what is it about nowadays? How did traditions like Halloween influence our image of what is dark and scary? And why do some have the irresistible urge to be spooked or shocked?

Horror fanatic Thandeka Kramer-Wolf is the host of this Kenniscafé. She will explore the secret of our fascination with horror and scary things with Brenda Mathijssen, Peter de Jong and Julian Hanich. Brenda Mathijssen is an assistant professor in Religious Studies. In her research, she focuses on how we cope with death as a society and as individuals. Do we still have traditions around death in the Netherlands? Experimental psychologist Peter de Jong knows everything about disgust and phobia. How can genuine fear and the fascination for horror coexist in one brain? As a professor in film, Julian Hanich knows everything about horror movies and why we like them so much.

In Kenniscafé, we talk about current themes with Groningen scientists and researchers. Kenniscafé is organised in collaboration with Science LinX en Forum Groningen and is supported by het Akkoord van Groningen.

Illustratie: Yvette Compaijen

Ook in deze serie

Jetse Goris in gesprek met Marloes Emous, Anton Scheurink en Andrea Werkman
Meer dan de helft van de volwassenen in Nederland is te zwaar. Hoewel we allerlei campagnes lanceren om gezond gedrag te stimuleren, zijn ze vaak niet effectief genoeg. Wat kunnen doen zodat zoveel mogelijk mensen de kans krijgen om lichter door het leven te gaan?

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Suzanne Oosterwijk

Mensen kiezen er vaak bewust voor om zichzelf bloot te stellen aan nare beelden of gruwelijke verhalen. Waarom zijn mensen toch zo nieuwsgierig naar het leed van anderen?

Bas Haring

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