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Mei 2021

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Wat is waarheid in een tijd van desinformatie? Waar komen complottheorieën vandaan, en waarom geloven we erin? Waarom spelen we zo graag? Wat kunnen we leren van topsporters in een pandemie en kan dat helpen om zelf meer in beweging te komen? En hoe ziet ons geld er in de toekomst uit? Dit en meer in mei.

What is ‘the truth’ in a time of misinformation? Where do conspiracy theories come from, and why do we believe in them? Why do we love to play games? What can we learn from professional athletes in a pandemic and can it help you to get more active yourself? How will our financial system work in the future? All these questions and more will be answered in May.

10 | Let’s Play | Why Do We Play? Stefan Schevelier (online)

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12 | Complottheorieën: Tussen wappie en wetenschap | The Psychology of Conspiracy Theories Karen Douglas (online)

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17 | Let’s Play | Videogames as Playful Time Machines Angus Mol (online)

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20 | Kenniscafé | (Top)sport tijdens corona Nico W. van Yperen, Suzanne Voorrips, Thijmen Kupers, Anne Benjaminse (online)

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20 | Complottheorieën: Tussen wappie en wetenschap | Universele waarheid onder vuur – Michael Hameleers (online)

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25 | Complottheorieën: Tussen wappie en wetenschap | Wortels van ons complotdenken – Tymen Peverelli (online)

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27 | Money Talks | Geld van de toekomst – Mark Sanders, Martijn van der Linden, Heidi Leenaerts (online)

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31 | Groninger Wetenschapsquiz – Anna Gimbrère, Ben Feringa e.a. (livestream)

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See also

Stefan Schevelier
Johan Huizinga's Homo Ludens in the 21st Century

During the COVID-19 pandemic, people had to stay indoors as much as possible. To pass the time, we massively turned to Netflix, books, knitting and… video games!