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In serie
20:30 – 22.00

Cultural Student Centre Usva
Munnekeholm 10

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Gaza in context

Karène Sanchez-Summerer, Pieter Nanninga and Karim El Taki

All eyes are currently focused on Israel and Gaza. The ‘Gaza war’ that erupted after October 7th is stirring intense emotions far beyond the Middle East. Numerous government leaders have visited the region; debates, protests and demonstrations spread across universities, streets and other public spaces.

In this Let’s Ask we will introduce our university community, students and Stadjers to some aspects - historical, geopolitical and ideological - of the current conflict. Three speakers from the Middle Eastern Studies programme will offer analysis based on their expertise in three short lectures, followed by Q&A.

Karène Sanchez-Summerer will shed light on the extensive historical background of Gaza, examining its long history and emphasizing the relational aspects that connect the region to broader historical narratives. Pieter Nanninga will analyze the historical and ideological roots of Hamas and examine its use of violence over the last few decades. Karim El Taki will discuss the geopolitics of the conflict, from clashes on the Lebanese front of the war to the role of Qatar in mediating between Israel and Hamas.

Karène Sanchez Summerer is a Professor and Chair of Middle Eastern studies. Her research and teaching interests include Christian Arab communities of and in the Middle East, a relational cultural and social history of Ottoman and Mandate Palestine (1870-1950), minorities in the Middle East and Middle Eastern minorities in diaspora. She is particularly interested in engaging with multilateral transnational connections, still understudied in favor of national historiographies and periodisation.

Pieter Nanninga is an Assistant Professor of Middle Eastern Studies. His research and teaching focuses on conflicts and violence in the contemporary Middle East. He is particularly interested in transnational jihadism and has published about, among other things, jihadi culture and ideology, religion and violence, and propaganda.

Karim El Taki is an Assistant Professor in the Politics of the Middle East. His work centres on the international relations of the Middle East, with a particular interest in regional governments’ media discourse, military politics, and lobbying activities.

Joram Tarusarira, Assistant Professor of Religion, Conflict and Peacebuilding, will host the evening.

In Let's Ask, Groningen's finest researchers share their knowledge to provide context to topical issues and will answer your questions. In collaboration with Usva.

Unfortunately, there will be no livestream or recording available.

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