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Ben & Jerry's

Grand theatre
Grote Markt 35

Admission free, but registration via Eventbrite is required

Ice Cream with a Social Flavor

Ben Cohen

Co-founder Ben Cohen tells you all about the history of Ben and Jerry’s, their values, their mission and about their involvement in communities.
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One of the best-known purveyors of ice cream is Ben & Jerry’s. The brand is synonymous with funky flavors like Cherry Garcia and Chunky Monkey. An important trademark of the brand, since its inception in the late 1970’s, is the socially conscious manner in which the owners of the brand run their business. They operate on a mission that aims to create prosperity for everyone that’s connected to the company. So, they make fantastic ice cream, they manage their business for sustainable financial growth and they use their company in innovative ways to make the world a better place. How do they do that and what can we learn from the way they work? 

Moderator of the evening is Wilbert van der Kamp. Wilbert tries to connect people with food and thus with each other. He tells stories about the way food strengthens communities. Among other things he serves as coordinator for the Youth Food Academy, as a blogger and as a speaker at several food-related events.

Ben Cohen is an American businessman, activist, and philanthropist. He is a co-founder of the ice cream company Ben & Jerry's. He went to university in New York, but dropped out in 1972. He opened Ben & Jerry's first ice-cream shop with his childhood friend Jerry Greenfield in 1978. The pair opened their first ice cream shop in a renovated an old gas station and over the years turned Ben & Jerry’s into a worldwide phenomenon, selling the company for $325 million in 2000.

Organized in collaboration with Social Impact Day Groningen, Let’s Gro, Noorden Duurzaam, Ontdekking van het Noorden, Bries en Youth Food Movement.

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