Every individual or company is supposed to pay their taxes, but some clearly have their ways of dodging the system.
Do you ever feel like that recurring ‘thing’ in the news is really important, but you’re not quite sure why that is? Do you feel like you saw the headlines, but didn’t read the full article? Well, the UG is coming to the rescue! Groningen’s finest researchers are here to share their knowledge to provide context to debatable claims, fake news and ongoing conflicts in the world. In Let’s Ask (before: Ask a Scientist) experts search for straight answers to your most pressing questions at the cutting edge of knowledge.
The books you read, or even how fast you read them, the roads you travel, the concerts you visit, the payments you make: in our digital age all this - sometimes very -
De monarchie is een oeroud fenomeen, maar de Nederlandse is een jonkie: Willem I werd in 1814 onze eerste Koning, 25 jaar na de Franse Revolutie die eigenlijk het tapi
On February 1st the military of Myanmar arrested civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi and took control of the
Als politici en bestuurders worden geconfronteerd met moeilijke problemen staat al snel het vertrouwen in de politiek ter discussie.
Om de COVID-19-pandemie te beteugelen gelden er allerlei nieuwe en tijdelijke regels in het dagelijks leven.
Debates over humour and free speech are more relevant than ever, as shown by the recent series of dramatic events revolving around Charlie Hebdo’s controversi
Op 14 september 2020 deelde een internationaal team van onderzoekers mee dat zij fosfine in de atmosfeer v
The ongoing COVID-crisis is likely to change our societies for good. But what effect will the pandemic have on our political landscape?
Wetenschappers over de hele wereld werken keihard aan een vaccin dat ons kan beschermen tegen het COVID-19-virus.