Hoe bepaalt ons brein de manier waarop we de wereld ervaren? Hebben we de volle regie, of denken we dat maar?
Explosies in Rotterdam, schietincidenten en drugshandel. Nederland kampt met problemen op het gebied van illegale handel en criminaliteit.
What does it mean to be a man in the 21st century?
Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have to cancel this lecture.
Waarom herinner je je niets of weinig van je peutertijd? Sommige dingen lijken in je geheugen gegrift te staan, terwijl andere zaken je soms zomaar ontglippen.
Unfortunately, we're encountering problems with the livestream. A recording of the lecture will be available soon.
International students aren’t new to the city. International students have been part of Groningen for more than 400 years.
Unfortunately, we're experiencing problems with the livestream of this event. The recording will be published as soon as possible.
Are you not able to attend? Follow the livestream on Youtube!