Most economists nowadays agree that the level of economic development of a country ultimately depends on the quality of its government and the skills of its workforce.
Abram de Swaan weerlegt de gangbare theorie dat massamoordenaars gewone mensen zijn en dat ieder mens tot wandaden kan worden gebracht.
In hoeverre correspondeert de bedenkelijke reputatie die Machiavelli in de volksmond geniet met de feitelijke inhoud van zijn werken?
Many well-known leaders have narcissistic tendencies or characteristics. Do we tend to favor narcissistic personalities as are leading figures? And why would we do that?
We all possess psychopathic tendencies, moreover, Kevin Dutton argues, our society as a whole is more psychopathic than ever: after all, psychopaths tend to be fearless, confide
Taalwetenschapper Lourens de Vries laat zien hoe Zuid Nieuw Guinea onze kijk op taal, mens en identiteit op zijn kop zet.
Photographer Jimmy Nelson went on a journey to create an ambitious aesthetic photographic document of the last indigenous people in the world, before they pass away.
The ocean provides a delicate covering of the Earth that is roughly the thickness of a piece of paper.
Each year around 1700 people fall victim to human trafficking in the Netherlands.
‘What is the purpose of life?’ is one of the big questions in the history of humankind.