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China's foreign relations

The Complex Present and the Uncertain Future
Shi Yinhong. Co-speaker: Hans Meijer

The world today faces major challenges on the economic, security and environmental front, all of which require action at the national and global level. China has made significant progress in international co-operation to tackle such global challenges, as it has grown in power and risen in international importance. It has increased its international responsibilities, pushed by the deepening connection between China and the world economy. However, this is not the full picture. China has to deal with problems stemming from grave economic and social bottlenecks, primarily the growing gap between rich and poor and environmental concerns. At the same time, there are increasingly troubled relations with China’s Asian neighbours, while relations with the rising economies of India and Russia are poor. This means China has to take a stance that may not meet the level or speed of Western expectations. China has the right to resist unreasonable demands and pressure from the West; it can only meet global challenges if the West respects Beijing’s perspective. The future is still uncertain, and efforts towards a mutual understanding are more necessary now than ever.

Shi Yinhong is Professor of International Relations and Director of the Centre on American Studies at the Renmin University of China. His research interests include the history and ideas of international relations, strategic studies and Chinese and American foreign policies. He has had 25 books published together with more than 470 articles and essays.

Hans Meijer is lecturer and senior researcher history and international relations at the University Groningen, specialized in Asia and especially China. He is also researcher at the Research Centre for Culture and History of the University of Utrecht.

This lecture is organized by SIB (Studentenvereniging voor Internationale Betrekkingen) and Studium Generale Groningen, in co-operation with the Society of International Development (SID) Netherlands Chapter.

The Guardian Shi Yinhong

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