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Groningen, a Global City?

Internationalization and Inclusion
Sabine Otten, Jan Kees Kleuver

More and more internationals find their way to Groningen. Students and staff from both universities come from all over the world, and companies are also starting to recruit talent from abroad. Newcomers can bring new perspectives and contribute to the innovative capacity, resilience and diversity of the universities and the city of Groningen. However, the famous Dutch tolerance and openness are often experienced more as a reputation than a reality. Internationals coming to Groningen deal with housing shortages, discrimination and barriers to social integration. How do internationals experience Groningen, what do ‘stadjers’ think of all these new influences; can we be a more inclusive city? A diverse evening with talks, discussions and interviews.

Sabine Otten is professor of Intergroup Relations and Social Integration at the University of Groningen. In a short lecture she will tell us more about the concept op inclusion, its components, and its relevance for the well-being and well-functioning of members of diverse groups.  She will also focus on the psychological aspects of the increasing (cultural) diversity and give examples of current interventions at the university to safeguard inclusion of international students.

Gemeente Groningen started a research project city in collaboration with students from Hanze University on how locals, called ‘Stadjers’ in Groningen experience the internationalization of their city. During this evening they will talk about this project and discuss it with the audience.

In a panel discussion Sabine Otten, Jan Kees Kleuver and others will talk about themes as integration, inclusion, language, housing and professional career and discuss how Groningen can optimize its role as ‘global city’.

This event is organized in collaboration with City Central.

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