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How to Break the Power of Bankers?

Ann Pettifor

Money makes the world go around; but what is it really? And where does it come from? The rich know how to become richer, but do the poor have inevitably to suffer as a result. Leading political economist Ann Pettifor shows us how wrong we are about this most misunderstood invention in history. Money is never a neutral medium of exchange. Nor is finance just a mechanism that connects borrower and lender. How can we reclaim control of money from those who presume to be in control: the banks? How can democracies reclaim control over ‘money production’ and restrain the out-of-control finance sector so that it serves the interests of society, as well as the needs of the ecosystem? What is the link between the money in our pockets and the change we want to see in the world around us?

With a critical response by  political economist Greg Fuller, assistant professor of International Political Economics at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Groningen.

Ann Pettifor is a UK-based economist, director of Policy Research in Macrcoeconomics (PRIME), an honorary research fellow at the Political Economy Research Centre at City University London and a fellow of the New Economics Foundation. She is best known for correctly predicting the Global Financial Crisis in several publications, including The coming first world debt crisis (2006). Last month, she published her new book The Production of Money. How to Break he Power of Bankers.

This series is organized in cooperation with the Faculty of Economics and Business of the Groningen University.

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