Overslaan en naar de inhoud gaan
19:00 – 22:00

Various pubs

Free admission with ticket

Pint of Science Festival

Désirée Goubert, Nico van Yperen, Aurora Signorazzi, Edwin van Bloois and others

It’s time for a Pint of Science! The international festival that takes the researchers into pubs is coming to Groningen. Come join us on the evenings from 20th to 22nd of May in different locations scattered around the city. We will talk about hot topics in science such as big data, designer DNA and climate changes. Our speakers will also tell us about origin of life, aging and much more. Three events per evening will take place in four different pubs. Representatives of the University of Groningen will cover a broad range of themes in biology, society, technology and ethics. After the talks, you can discuss, ask questions and take part in a fun quiz to win Pint of Science prizes.

Dates: 20 - 21 - 22 May 2019.
More information about the program: www.pintofscience.nl

This initiative is supported by Studium Generale Groningen.

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