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The true story of Stanislav Petrov
Film & debate
From Nuclear Holocaust

"Few people know of Stanislav Petrov… yet hundreds of millions of people are alive because of him."

Nigel Hamilton
The Empire strikes back?

The twentieth century has been called 'the American Century', and award-winning biographer Nigel Hamilton now gives us the lives of the twelve men who presided over America

Hanze Lezing
Kris Verburgh
Over voeding en veroudering

Hoe kan voeding ervoor zorgen dat we langer en gezonder leven? Wat is de rol van voeding in het verouderingsproces?

Kenniscafé in de Nacht van Kunst & Wetenschap
Gespreksleider: Alex van den Berg

Hoe kunnen we energie halen uit het verschil tussen zoet en zout water, uit golven of warmtebronnen?

Nancy Bauer
A Philosophical Approach

Using pornography as an example, Nancy Bauer suggests that philosophers are inclined to miss the mark when it comes to understanding real-world phenomena:  their theories d