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All the World’s a Network

Prof.dr. Ian Stewart

Networks, and how they behave, have been propelled to the fore front of today’s science. The talk will describe some of the exciting research currently being done on the dynamics of networks, concentrating on applications to biology. It will be highly illustrated and will avoid mathematical technicalities.
Prof.dr. Ian Stewart is Professor of Mathematics at the University of Warwick and he is director of the Mathematics Awareness Centre at Warwick. He has held visiting academic positions in Germany, New Zealand and the USA. He is an active popularizer of mathematics and related areas of science. He is the author of several popular sciece books: Nature's Numbers, The Science of Discworld and Flatterland. In 1995 he was awarded the Royal Society's Michael Faraday Medal for furthering the public understanding of science. He delivered the 1997 Royal Institution Christmas Lectures, televised by the BBC

Organised by the Johann Bernoulli Stichting in cooperation with Studium Generale

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