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Grand Theatre
Grote Markt 35

admission only with free ticket

Tell me a Story about America

A conversation with Charles Groenhuijsen, Julia Wolfe and Tim Jelfs

What is the role and position of artists, scientists and journalists in the Trump era?

In the Trump era, collective stories about politics, society and history are full of paradoxes and pitfalls. What is the role of artists, scientists and journalists in the development of social perception and opinions, in a fast changing social and political context? Can a story create an effective response to these changes and what role does personal engagement play? What is the influence of artists, journalists and scientists on the image of American culture and identity? What are the cultural differences between the USA and Europe, is there still room for nuance?

Historian Doeko Bosscher will talk with Julia Wolfe (composer of the musical epos Anthracite Fields, that will be performed later this evening), Charles Groenhuijsen (journalist for Dutch national television and publicist) and Tim Jelfs (assistant professor of American Studies) about the power and effectiveness of collective stories in American society.

The lecture is admission free. Julia Wolfe’s Pullitzer Price winning musical epos Anthracite Fields about the decline of Pennsylvanian coal-mining around the turning of the 20th century will be performed after the lecture at 8.30 p.m. Tickets for Anthracite Fields can be bought here.

This program is organized by Studium Generale Groningen and the Soundsofmusic Festival

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