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Februari 2022

Programma | Programme

Hoe verhoudt ons bewustzijn zich tot onze hersenen? Hoe komt het dat astrologie zo populair is bij jonge mensen die in een seculiere omgeving wonen? Welke objecten van koloniale oorsprong hebben we in de collecties van Nederlandse musea en moeten ze terug naar de landen van herkomst? Hoe gebruiken we spelelementen bij het leren of verbeteren van vaardigheden? Dit en meer in februari.

How does consciousness relate to our brain? How come that astrology is so popular among young people living in a secular environment? Which objects of colonial origin exist in the collections of Dutch museums and should they go back to their countries of origin? How do we use game elements in learning new skills or improving our skills? This and more in February.

1 | Hope, Health and Happiness - Carol Graham (Online)
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2 | Let’s Ask | Astrology is Booming. Is It? - Kocku von Stuckrad
More info & free registration

7 | On Consciousness | The Code of Consciousness - Cyriel Pennartz
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15 | Decolonising the Museum - Susan Legêne, Wayne Modest
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17 | Kenniscafé | Serious Gaming
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See also

Carol Graham

We live in increasingly polarized and unequal societies, not only when it comes to incomes and opportunities but also in terms of how people feel about their lives.