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Primates and Philosophers: Evolutionary Building Blocks of Morality

Do we have an instinct for compassion? Or are we, as is often assumed, only on earth to serve our own survival and interests?

Ongoing program in English
Debates, talks and discussions
Towards a New Academia!

On the Night of the University the future of the Academia will be central theme of debates, talks and discussions.

Debatten, twistgesprekken, mini-colleges & columns
De academie ter discussie! DENK MEE!

Tijdens de Nacht van de Universiteit in het Academiegebouw buigen we ons over de toekomst van de academie. Wat is er mis met de universiteit en hoe kan het beter?

The true story of Stanislav Petrov
Film & debate
From Nuclear Holocaust

"Few people know of Stanislav Petrov… yet hundreds of millions of people are alive because of him."