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In series

Lord of the Flies

Introduction/discussion: Jan Kornelis Dijkstra, Assistant Professor of Sociology

UK, 1963, 92 min, directed by Peter Brook
After a plane accident, 30 school-age boys find themselves stranded on an island. Initially, this seems idyllic - the ultimate children's fantasy, in many ways-, but things rapidly turns nasty as the boys' behaviour becomes more aggressive and tribal.

Civilization effectively ends when a planeload of schoolboys crashes on an unidentified desert island, depriving them of adult supervision. Initially, this seems idyllic - the ultimate children's fantasy, in many ways-, but things rapidly turns nasty as the boys' behaviour becomes more aggressive and tribal. Left to fend for themselves, they must take on the responsibilities of adults, even if they are not ready to do so.
They've got food and water; all that's left is to peacefully govern themselves until they're rescued. "After all," says choir leader Jack, "We're English. We're the best in the world at everything!". They appoint a leader and attempt to create an organized society for the sake of their survival.  Unfortunately, living peacefully is not as easy as it seems.

Interesting links
Youtube Trailer Lord of the Flies
IMDb Lord of the Flies


See also

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