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Palestine: Critical voices from Abroad

Mohammed Khatib and Jannie Kuik

A Palestinian activist and Dutch peace worker will provide a critical perspective on the Palestinian political establishment. The emphasis will be on the Palestinian political history, the current Palestinian political situation and the relation between politics and the Palestinian people. 

Palestine: Critical Voices from Abroad

Mohammed Khatib
Mohammed Khatib, a Palestinian activist will provide a critical perspective on the Palestinian political establishment. The emphasis will be on the Palestinian political history, the current Palestinian political situation and the relation between politics and the Palestinian people. 

Mohammed Khatib is an independent Palestinian activist currently living in Brussels. He was born in Ain el Helwe refugee camp in Lebanon. He is in favor of the one state solution, for a democratic Palestine for all citizens. Mohammed is not aligned with either the Palestinian Authority, Fatah or Hamas. He is against the Oslo Accords or any other agreement with a occupying power, because the Palestinians are not able to build a democratic state under occupation. He is in favor of the one state solution, for a democratic Palestine for all citizens. 

Several Forms of Resistance

Jannie Kuik
The first Palestinian Intifada (1986 till 1991/93) was a popular resistance/uprising that included several forms of action (boycotts, refusal to pay tax, stone throwing, strikes, etc. ). The Oslo Agreement (1993), a negotiated framework to end the occupation, can be seen as the political result of this popular resistance. On the Palestinian side several forms of resistance against the occupation (since 1967 and for certain groups since 1948) can since be distinguished, mostly related to the political atmosphere/situation, the different analyses of the conflict and the different  situations Palestinians are in. Also in Israel the action field is divided. The peace camp is weak. A very small radical group fully  embraces the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS). A middle group concentrates on the boycott of settlements, on human rights violations and on the internal discrimination against Palestinian Israelis and on lobby and advocacy, in Israel and internationally. 

Jannie Kuik is senior program officer Middle East of Pax, a Dutch non-governmental peace organization, working together with NGO’s from Israel and Palestine.

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