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Digital DEmentia

How we destroy our brains
Manfred Spitzer. Co-speaker Justine Pardoen

Manfred Spitzer warns us that too much computer use leads to ‘digital dementia’. The more we use computers , the more our memory is deteriorating. Digital media cause speech and learning disabilities, attention disorders, stress and depression.

Who is born today will be spending a quarter of his life behind a screen. Our thinking is taken over by the computer, internet and the smartphone. Kids spend twice as much time to social media as they spend in school and text books and school boards have been replaced by iPads and laptops.
The renowned German memory researcher Manfred Spitzer warns us: too much computer use leads to ‘digital dementia’. On the basis of alarming studies, Spitzer shows: the more we use computers , the more our memory is deteriorating. In addition, digital media cause speech and learning disabilities, attention disorders, stress and depression. Spitzer book ‘Digital dementia’ makes a strong plea to politicians and teachers to better inform us about the risks, and on parents to set boundaries to the digital pastime of their children, for the sake of their future.

Manfred Spitzer is Medical Director, Professor and Chairman of the newly established Psychiatric Hospital at the University of Ulm. His research activities focus on higher, cognitive functions at the interface between cognitive neuroscience, psychology, and psychopathology. In 2004, he founded the Transfer Center for Neurosciences and Learning where he has held the position of Chairman. As an internationally renowned scientist in brain research, Professor Spitzer is the author of several popular science books and more than 100 scientific papers in international journals. His current activities include a weekly TV appearance in the educational channel of Bavaria. His book ‘Digitale Demenz’ is translated into Dutch: ‘Digitale dementie’ (Atlas Contact, 2013).

Justine Pardoen is chief-editor of 'Ouders Online' (leading parenting website in the Netherlands), chief-editor of 'Mediaopvoeding.nl' (Q&A on media-education) and co-founder of 'Mijn Kind Online' (expert centre for children and media). She considers the resoluteness with which Mr. Spitzer argues against iPads for children to be far more dangerous than the iPads itself.

After the lectures, Manfred Spitzer will sign his books in the Polare book stand.

Organized in collaboration with bookshop Polare
Interesting links:
Youtube: Manfred Spitzer in KRO Brandpunt
Website World Crunch: Does the internet make you dumb?
Website Current Concerns: Too frequent use of digital media reduces mental capacity of children
YouTube: Justine Pardoen
Uitzending gemist: Justine Pardoen - Opvoeden in een tijd van multimedia-prikkels

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