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In serie
13:45 – 15:00

De Appel
Zernikeplein 7

€4,-/ €2,- with SG-card / free for students

The Future of the Euro

Klaas Knot

Ever since the financial crash of 2008, the future of European Monetary policy and the Euro have been a constant point of discussion. What can be done to prevent a crash like 2008 to cause another Euro crisis? Should the member-states of the European Union seek closer cooperation on monetary affairs, or should they remain more independent from each other? And what is the Dutch perspective in this discussion? To talk about these questions and more, Klaas Knot, President of De Nederlandsche Bank, will be interviewed by Harry Garretsen, and you, the audience.

As President of the Dutch central bank, Klaas Knot is present at the highest decision making level of the European Central Bank, and therefore the Euro. He is an economic expert, earning his stripes at the Ministry of Finance, as Honorary Professor of the University of Groningen, and at De Nederlandsche Bank. Knot will be interviewed by Harry Garretsen. Garretsen is Professor of International Economics at the same faculty. He is also director of the RUG expertise center In the LEAD, concerned with research, education and advice on the effectiveness of leadership.

Organised in cooperation with SIB Groningen.

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