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In serie
16:00 – 17:30

Groene Zaal, Frank Mohr Instituut
Praediniussingel 59A

€7,50 regular / €4,- student


Miriam Rasch and Michael Beil

In a world filled with noise, how do we truly listen? Philosopher Miriam Rasch explores this question in her latest book Luisteroefeningen, where she reflects on the act of listening in art, life, and thought. On the occasion of the Soundsofmusic festival Rasch is invited to share some of the key ideas from her book, followed by a conversation with composer Michael Beil about listening and art in the digital era. What does it mean to really listen? Can engaging with art make you a better listener? The program concludes with a live performance of The Long Field by Klaus Lang, performed by the renowned Bozzini Quartet, offering a meditative musical journey that invites deep listening.

Listen! serves as an introduction to Michael Beil's performance Hide to Show with Nadar Ensemble at the festival, later that evening at Soundsofmusic. This performance explores the feeling of isolation within a group. It delves into how we can synchronize with others without seeing them, the constant sense of being observed, the choice to make ourselves visible or not, and the unsettling question of how easily we can be replaced.

Organised together with Soundsofmusic Festival.

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